Why inclusive art is so important for me

To me, representation in art is very important. The most common artworks I saw and learnt as I was growing up was very uni-dimensional. They only represented a certain side of life and society. Infant I do not remember seeing any art that featured a differently abled person. Neither did I see varying skin tones and people of different race, ethnicities being represented in school textbooks, or even storybooks.

But thankfully we have moved on from there and now the world is opening up to greater representation coz #RepresentationMatters. The patterns and motifs in the fabric of society is never complete till we show the real picture.

1 in 20 children have a disability.
That gives 19 kids a daily opportunity to learn about diversity, collaboration, inclusion and friendship.
— Unknown

Simone Biles

I’d like to believe that art imitates life and vice versa. And in my effort to create art, I also endeavour to include what I actually see around me.

Here’s something I doodled a while ago where I was so inspired by the words I’d read. I almost instantly jumped onto my drawing board and created a free poster art for anybody who would like to have this at home or in class.

How important is inclusivity in art for you? How do you view things around you and do you think it’s important to write about it / daw them / speak about it and show them in every other creative form.

To me it is. It’s important that I keep my stories real. And I try to do it via the stuff I draw. I hope you like it too.


Drawing cats & dogs

Even though I’m not a pet-person, I do love and enjoy watching others pet theirs! Every once in a while I draw them too - these furries have their own character and can be drawn in so many ways. This doodled dogs and cats illustration is one of my favourite.

Cats and dogs

I draw a lot of pets for families too. They feature in most of the family illustrations that I do. A very interesting commission artwork was drawing Sophie the cat for a client who wanted to show the ‘Day in the life of Sophie’. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Life in the day of Sophie the cat

The client was so particular about every cat hair that I drew, it’s an experience I’d never forget! The outcome was amazing though - My client printed and framed every illustration on her memory wall at home, and one went on the washroom wall as well. Lol!

Do you like drawing animals - which is your favourite or most memorable? Share your work with me - I’d love to see.
