A glorious mess - Why I love water colors

The digital medium for creating art is my first love! So is watercolor (we are allowed two first loves, right?!) Sometimes during a busy work day, I find myself taking little breaks and heading towards brushes and colors. The feel of the textured watercolor paper makes me so happy!

Here are a couple of reasons why these easy-flowing colors bring me so much joy and hit the refresh key in my mind.

For their vibrancy and playfulness - Pans, tubes, liquids - I try my hand with all of these. Check out Pebeos' Colorex range, they happens to be my favourite!

Unpredictability - I love to watch colors blend into each other. Sometimes they take their own shape and something absolutely new shows up on paper than what I originally planned. Wild and free, that’s what I like to call them.

Learn to let go. Not everyone in your life is meant to stay.
— Unknown

Transparency - I secretly envy those who achieve it! So dreamy and a pleasure to watch. Instagram is full of talented artists who show you how they do it. Go check them out.

Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.
— A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

More than one way to do it - Dry on wet, wet on wet, wet on dry - the possibilities are endless. I like to try the salt sprinkle technique and dab with tissue for a rough texture.

Here, patience is a virtue. Thanks to going digital all the way (and loving it too!) I completely turn impatient when I draw on paper. Also the inability to instantly 'undo' drives me nuts. Lol! But I have learnt a great deal on how to wait (for the paint to dry) before I add another layer. I therefore sit with a large mug of coffee when I do watercolors.

I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end…

— Gilda Radner

If you like these colors, share it with me too. I’d love to know how you interact with various colors and mediums.
