How we see ourselves Vs How we actually are

When you pass by a mirror, what are the things you generally notice first - ‘Ugh! bad hair’, ‘Gawd! my panda eyes’, ‘Eeks! Look at my muffin top’ and the list continues. How many of us I wonder actually stay back and exclaim ‘Hey beautiful’ How are you today'?’. Doing it in public may raise brows, but how many of us even do it when we are with ourselves?

I am not even sure how many of us feel positively about our own selves.

Is it really all right to say negative things about ourselves in public ‘Nice? Didn’t you notice I’ve gained extra pounds. I’m hitting the gym tomorrow!’ This is such a typical comment I hear when I’m out socializing (a rare activity for me, but I do).

An online video from Dove, shows a forensic sketch artist who is asked to draw a series of women based only on their descriptions.

As a child, growing up in a small town in India, I was often subjected to ‘but girl, you got wheatish skin’. Though it was mentioned around me in casual, passing remarks, I actually began believing that my worth lay in the color of my skin. I recall shying from people, staying off gatherings, trying to hide in my world. All that unnecessary jabber ate away my self-confidence. How little the ‘grown ups’ around me realised what damage they were causing to a child in her formative years!

As time went by and the world opened up for me, I gradually stepped out of my cocoon - there was no other option than to do that. And thank god for that! Today I realise how a negative body image impacted and drained me off from realising my true worth. I am much more than the color of my skin. Certainly a lot more. And I’m mighty proud of the person I’ve become today.

I love the puzzled look on the salon lady’s face when she offers to ‘brighten my skin’ and I smile and refuse - ‘Oh but I love my color’.

I saw that worrying had come to nothing. And I gave it up. And took my old body and went out into the morning and sang.
— Mary Oliver

I love my greying hair (I’ve promised never to dye), the fine lines around my eyes when I smile and the small wrinkles on my forehead - they’re like a map of my life. These ‘ flaws and imperfections’ kind of summarize every high and low, good and bad, easy and challenging days I’ve lived and continue to do so! Ofcourse I can do with one less tire around my tummy, but that’s coz I’m too lazy to excercise. Lol!

Love yourself for who you are. And what you’re about to become. Surprise yourself.

Have you experienced such negativity regarding your body in your life? How did you overcome it, I hope you have. Do share it with me - there is so much in us to inspire each other, isn’t it.
